Monday, December 4, 2017

Christmas Paty and Meeting Dec 6,2017

Wednesday, December 6
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.
As this is our Christmas Party there is no speaker, but there maybe a few surprises and of course our annual Fundy Gardener "year in review"  photos highlighting our trips, sales, garden tours - all the FUN that members share in…thanks to our multi talented Steve Nason!!!!
In case you haven't attended a Christmas party before - here's what we provide:
  • Tea/coffee/punch
  • Sliced pork, ham and turkey
  • Festive tables for 8 - complete with table greenery
Here's what you need to bring:
  • Hot or cold dish to share - complete with serving spoon please
  • Your plate, cup, cutlery
  • Door prize - if you'd like to contribute - perhaps a home made or hand made item, something festive, something green - whatever….
  • Wear your 2017 name tag - that's how you win a prize! (2018 numbers start in January)
If you are available to help set up the church hall, the doors will be open at 4 PM for the work crew to weave their magic and we'll eat at 6:30 PM. Our meal will be followed by a very short business meeting, and then its onto FUN!!!
2018 memberships will be sold - single $20/family $30.
REMINDER - This is a special Fundy Gardener members only event.
Hope to see you all on December 6 to help us celebrate another great year!!

Monday, October 30, 2017


Wednesday, November 1
St. James the less Church,
1760 Rothesay Rd.
Speaker:       Jim Landry from Landscape NB.
Topic:   - " Vimy Oaks Project"
Jim will also speak on the new school Landscape NB has started in Sussex.
* Jim will speak first followed by our business meeting.
Display Table Theme:  House Plants
Show and Tell Table – please share any gardening tips, happenings, blooms etc. from your gardens
50/50 Draw
November Book Sale - don't forget to bring along any  gardening book/magazines and/or novels that you have enjoyed to share.
      Hardcover - $2.00
      Soft cover - $1.00
      Magazines - 50¢
      If possible bring your books before the meeting - 6:30 onwards
Greenery Workshop - outdoor pot with Barb McKelvey
at Shades of Green, 2483 Westfield Rd., Morna
Date: Wednesday November 22 at 2 – 4 pm or 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Storm date: Thursday, Nov. 23, same place and times
Fee: $ 25 must be paid at the Nov. 1 meeting
There are currently 12 members signed up and we can take a total of 20. First come, first served and all must pay ahead for the venue to order the supplies.
Pat McGill will be set up at a table for sign up and payment.
In the past our members have made really lovely outdoor arrangements!!
  • This month thanks to Sheila Chapman, Annette Lamb and Diana Fowler there will be refreshments.
  • As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
  • Don't forget to wear your name tag!
  • 2018 memberships will be sold - single $20/family $30.
  • AGM following break

Sunday, September 3, 2017

September 6th Meeting and year BBQ


St. James the Less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

Speaker:       Philip Savage from Savage Gardens

Topic:   - " Storing & Using the Bounty from your Garden"
Philip will share tips on cold storage, drying and freezing vegetables as well as different ways to prepare veggies to enrich your daily diet.
Philip will also bring fresh veggies to sell so bring along your $$.

Display Table Theme:  Wild arrangements

Show and Tell Table – please share any gardening tips, happenings, blooms etc. from your gardens

50/50 Draw

2017 Garden Tours - Our final tour of the season will take place at the home of Duncan & Betty Kelbaugh, 300 Model Farm Rd. on Sunday, September 10. Once again Brunswick Nurseries will hold their "super sale" from 3 to 5 PM, where Fundy Gardeners receive a great discount  - don't forget to show your membership card, then off to Duncan's for our year end BBQ and garden tour.
Fundy Gardeners will provide BBQ hamburgers and hotdogs - please bring along an appetizer or dessert to share..

  • This month thanks to Holly Haines, Elaine Hooper and Juliette Nowlan there will be refreshments.
  • Members are encouraged to bring along "bounty" from your gardens to share - i.e.: salsa, cut veggies, preserves on crackers, etc.  
  • As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
  • Don't forget to wear your name tag!

Hope to see everyone on September 6!!.

Monday, July 31, 2017


St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

Speaker: Freeman Patterson - just a reminder that due to seating space (Freeman is a very popular speaker) this will be a "Members only" meeting
Topic:   - " Garden Design with a Photographer's Eye"
Display Table Theme:  Gifts from the Fundy shores - flowers, seaweed, kelp, shells, etc.
Show and Tell Table – please share any gardening tips, happenings, blooms etc. from your gardens
50/50 Draw
2017 Garden Tours - for the month of August the tours are:
Wed. Aug. 9 - Suzanne Bonnell                                     
Sun. Aug. 13 - Jane LeBlanc & Nancy Sears -
Wed. Aug. 16 - Daphne Rae
Wed. Aug. 23 - still available
  • This month thanks to Diane Reid and Suzanne Bonnell there will be refreshments and drinks!  
  • As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
  • Don't forget to wear your name tag!
  • Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple

Monday, July 3, 2017


7 PM MEENAN'S COVE BEACH HOUSE - 199 Model Farm Road, Quispamsis
(NOTE - change of venue for this month only)

July's meeting will be all about CELEBRATING CANADA!!!
We'll test your knowledge with a "Canada quiz",
See how quick your TEAM is with Pat McKinney's scavenger hunt,
Vote on the best tulip photo
Watch  the members 150 Tulip slide show
There will be lots of prizes - what's a party without them!!
Lots of GREAT food so bring an appetite ( suggest a small supper)
And most of all FUN!!

Please wear RED and comfortable walking shoes, bring your tulip photo for the display table

NOTE there have been 2 changes to your Garden Tour Schedule:
Marilyn Gallant's tour has moved from Wednesday to SUNDAY, July 16
Lynn Lamont's August 16 tour has been canceled and replaced by a visit to Daphne Rae's garden -
19 Grasmere Ave., Quispamsis

Mail Delivery Subsystem

9:15 PM (11 minutes ago)
to me

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Open House and lecture at Halifax Seed tomorrow - Wednesday, June 21 starting at 6:30 PM. Brian  Pike, Manager will speak on:
Summer Activities for the Garden.
Our FG discount applies to any plants purchased

Monday, June 5, 2017

St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.


Speaker: Dean Cummings - from Speerville Flour Mill


Topic:   - "Local Sustainable Food….The Speerville Flour Story –

Products will be for sale so bring cash if interested.


Display Table Theme: What's Blooming in Your Garden???


Show and Tell Table – please share any gardening tips or happenings in your gardens; any new seed catalogues, etc.


50/50 Draw


Fundy Gardener's Bus Trip - June 23-25 - DON'T FORGET - we'll need your food choices for Friday, June 23 - at Edmundston Botanical Gardens -or you have the option of taking your own lunch. E-mail will be sent to you this week with bus details - schedule, food choices, etc..


2017 Garden Tours - this year's schedule has been posted to the Blog, but to protect members privacy, a detailed schedule will be e-mailed with addresses.



  • This month thanks to Elaine Hooper, Annette Lamb and Verna Mills there will be refreshments -PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BEVERAGE  
  • As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
  • Don't forget to wear your name tag!
  • Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple


Hope to see everyone on June 7th.



Thursday, June 1, 2017

Hello Fundy Garden Club Members.
As you know there is a list of businesses on our web site  who give us a 
Discounts are anywhere from 10 to 21 percent or the tax may be waived.
Discounts are not usually given on Sale items.
Are you  aware of other gardening businesses who might be interested 
in giving a discount?
If so, you might like to ask them yourself and sent the info to me or
you may give me the contact information and I will contact them.  or 693 9571
 This is really the only way to increase the number of places offering to 
us a discount.
Please note that CedarCrest is asking customers to use only Debit Cards.
They want to avoid the charges they must pay for customers using a credit card.
 Please remember to always show your 2017 membership card before paying 
at the cash.
It is usually helpful if you know yourself what discount is being offered.
Happy Gardening
Verna Mills
Garden Tours on the Blog

Car Boot Sale

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Monthly Meeting

St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

Speaker: Jim Wilson - Naturalist (speaker originally booked is ill)

Topic: Living in Harmony with Wildlife on Your Property

Display Table Theme: Spring Bulbs!

Show and Tell Table – please share any interesting blooms/happenings in your gardens; any new seed catalogues, etc.

50/50 Draw

Fundy Gardener's Bus Trip - June 23-25 - DON'T FORGET - your final payment (unless you have paid in full) is due no later than May 24, however I would encourage you to bring your $$ to Wednesday's meeting. Post-dated cheques for May 24 will be accepted. Balance owing is: $235.00

* This month thanks to Joanne Thompson, Karen Savoy and O'Rida Savoie there will be refreshments -PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN BEVERAGE
* As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
* Don't forget to wear your name tag!
* Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple

Hope to see everyone on May 3rd.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

If you enjoy gardening

If you enjoy gardening and have a love for learning here's a wonderful opportunity to work with  Dr. Kate Frego who we all know makes everything educational FUN! Here's Kate's message to Fundy Gardeners:

I am planning to offer a non-credit “basic botany” course through the College of Extended Learning this summer?  The tentative dates are:  Sundays, 1-3 PM, from May 28-July 9.  Location and registration fee TBA.  My plan is to structure it as a mixture of “lecture”, outdoor walks, and examining plant material closely (sometimes with a microscope).  If this works out, I would be looking at more specialized botany topics in the future.

I’m pretty excited about this!  I hope there are folks who want to participate….


Dr. Katherine A. Frego
Professor (Biological Sciences) (retired) and 3M National Teaching Scholar
Honorary Research Professor
Director of Graduate Studies, Biology Graduate Academic Unit
University of New Brunswick
PO Box 100, Saint John, NB  E2L 4L5
Phone:  506-648-5566
For information on the Biology Graduate Programme, please see:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Fundy Gardeners Meeting - March 1st, 2017 at 7 PM

Fundy Gardeners Meeting -  March 1st, 2017 at 7 PM
St. James the less Church, 1760 Rothesay Rd.

  • Speakers: Bonnie & Russ Weir/MacKay Blueberries

  • Topic: Bonnie & Russ will speak on bee Keeping. ( Beekeeper, Sharon Richard, will also be there to answer any questions. ) The Weir's will have products for sale: frozen blueberries, jams, jellies, honey.

  • Solitary Bee Nests: Halifax Seed will offer a discount on these nests. Including taxes, the price to members will be $19. Pat McGill will have a nest there for you to examine. You may order and pay for your nests at either the March or April meeting. Pat will place the orders after each meeting; the sooner you order the sooner you get one. For more information, go to

  • Display Table Theme: It's ALL About the GREEN! …get creative!

  • Show and Tell Table – please share any interesting blooms/happenings in your garden; or perhaps a garden related statue, etc.

  • 50/50 Draw

  • Fundy Gardener's Bus Trip - June 23-25 - if interested in joining us -your $50 deposit will secure your seat!

Memberships available: $20 single; $30 couple

  • This month thanks to Bonnie, Karen & Yolanda there will be refreshments and beverages too!! Thanks, Ladies!
  • As the minutes will not be read at the meeting, please follow the link to access them.
  • Don't forget to wear your name tag!
  • In the event of stormy weather and you're wondering if the meeting has been cancelled, please check either our Fundy Gardener Blog  -  or the Fundy Gardener Facebook page.
If the meeting has been cancelled it will be posted at both sites by 6 PM.